Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Infi- Knit

When people are being treated for cancer they're more likely to feel the cold. They may spend a lot of time at home during treatment or recovery, pushing up their energy bills. Also, they may have less money coming in if they’ve had to stop working. That’s why many people with cancer are living in fuel poverty.

What is fuel poverty?

When someone has to spend more than 10% of their income on energy to heat and power their home.
Why knit your bit?

Tell us what makes you feel warm and our knit-bot will magically turn your message into a knitting pattern and add it to our real-life scarf.

We'll then present our knitted petition to the government so they can’t ignore our campaign against fuel poverty.
Discover more about our campaign to keep people with cancer warm this winter at macmillan.org.uk/fuelpoverty.

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